

Note: for privacy reasons we do not generally publish contact information, such as telephone numbers, for references on the web site. Please contact me for a sheet of references with full information. I can mail, email, or fax you this information.


Alfred A Defeo

Maureen Turner D.V.M.
Baystate Animal Clinic
294 Andover Street
Danvers MA. 01923
Tel. (978) 774-1824

Richard Bettencourt
Captain, Peabody Police Dept.

Janet Burba
Salem MA. 01970

Charley Jones
Beverley MA.

Susan Berton
Salem MA.01970

Walt + Donna Kelsey
Marblehead MA. 01945

Laura Shapland
Salem MA. 01970


Reference Letters

Copywrite 2023 John's Pet Care. Inc